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What is Crime Solvers?

Fairfax County Crime Solvers is a community-oriented program involving citizens, the business community, news media, and the Fairfax County Police Department working together in the fight against crime. The Crime Solvers Board comprises a group of citizens who pay cash rewards for information leading to the arrest and indictment of any person or persons who commit crimes in Fairfax County or to the capture of a wanted person. The Fairfax County Police Department does not run Crime Solvers but works together and in collaboration with them.

Crime Solvers is not run by the Fairfax County Police Department.

How Does Crime Solvers Work?

Anyone with knowledge of a crime can call the tip line or send an anonymous e-mail (email is submitted through an encrypted web-form for anonymity). Tipsters do not give their names or phone numbers, and they never have to make a court appearance. When a tip is received, a tip sheet is completed, and a personal tip ID number is assigned.  That number is the only form of identification the tipster will need for any further communication with Crime Solvers, if and when a reward is paid to the tipster.

If the information provided results in an arrest and indictment, apprehension of a fugitive or the recovery of stolen property or seizure of illegal drugs, a cash reward ranging between $100 to $5000 is paid to the tipster.

Where does the Money Come From?

Crime Solvers is a non-profit organization which relies solely on donations from local businesses and private residents. No tax dollars are used for rewards. In short, Crime Solvers depends on you for the funds to pay those who provide the information that helps Crime Solvers fight crime!

Does Crime Solvers Work?

Yes! Since the program began in October 1979, information received through Crime Solvers has led to the arrest of more than 1,917 criminals, including more than 200 fugitives.  Tips received have resulted in the closure of thousands of crimes, which include murders, rapes, robberies and burglaries.  More than $240,000 in cash awards have been paid out since our program's inception.

What Can I Do?

There are several ways to support your local Crime Solvers program:

Important Crime Solvers Laws:

 15.2-1713.1.    Local “Crime Stoppers” programs; confidentiality.

    As used in this section, a “Crime Stoppers,” “Crime Solvers,” “Crime Line,” or other similarly named organization is defined as a private, nonprofit Virginia corporation governed by a civilian volunteer board of directors that is operated on a local or statewide level that (i) offers anonymity to persons providing information to the organization, (ii) accepts and expends donations for cash rewards to persons who report to the organization information about alleged criminal activity and that the organization forwards to the appropriate law enforcement agency, and (iii) is established as a cooperative alliance between the news media, the community, and law-enforcement officials.

    Evidence of a communication or any information contained therein between a person submitting a report of an alleged criminal act to a “Crime Stoppers” organization and the person who accepted the report on behalf of the organization is not admissible in a court proceeding.   Law enforcement agencies receiving information concerning alleged criminal activity from a “Crime Stoppers” organization shall maintain confidentiality pursuant to subsection E of 2.2-3706.

  2.2-3706.    Disclosure of criminal records; limitations.

    The identity of any individual providing information about a crime or criminal activity under a promise of anonymity shall not be disclosed.